Freedom of Flintridge ASCA A72 1971-06-10 ??? |
Sisler's John ASCA A1482 0000-00-00 |
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Als Nutzer kannst Du hier neue Aussies anlegen! |
Gefion's Man From Atlantis ASCA E3123 1977-11-22 ??? |
Gorgeous' Red Velvet CH ASCA E5584 1980-05-22 ??? IK = 27.27 % AVK = 76.6 % = 36:47 |
Heards Chili of Flintridge NSDR A2254-6495 1964-01-22 |
Moonshine of Windermere ASCA B2557 1974-11-10 ??? |
Windermere's Sunshine of Bonnie Blu - 1972-08-17 |
Windermere's Fishers Blue Heather AS-593 1969-06-20 |
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Yankee Clipper of Wingmont ASCA E1143 1976-10-29 blue merle (w/c) |
Robinson's Bonnie-Blue Yankee CH ASCA B568 1972-08-17 |
Gefion's Samples Cracker of L7 ASCA E5065 1979-07-04 ??? |
Moonshine of Windermere ASCA B2557 1974-11-10 |
Just A Sample of Sunnybrook ASCA B2567 1975-02-27 ??? |
Carnival's Simba Blue Chips ASCA CH ASCA B1867 1970-10-23 |
Free Breeze Fromer ASCA A360 1971-11-21 |
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Als Nutzer kannst Du hier neue Aussies anlegen! |