Propwash's St Elmo s Fire HOF CH ASCA E42432 1989-08-22 red merle (w/c) |
Beauwood's Rustlin'in the Sun SVCH WTCH Ch UDT RD RV-N DNA-CP - 1986-01-03 |
Meri-Mor's Blazing Bulletts ASCA E55961 1991-08-29 ??? |
Chloe's Impressive Review AKC DL51886402 1994-01-17 black tri (w/c) IK = 19.48 % AVK = 89.36 % = 42:47 |
Propwash's Bayshore Fogbow 1987-10-10 |
Meri-Mor's Blazing Sun HOF ASCA E39607 1988-04-20 ??? |
Meri-Mor's Top Gun of Chrisdava ASCA E33054 1986-12-28 |
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Meri-Mor's Out Scouting Bear CH CD ASCA E18064 1983-12-07 ??? |
Beauwood's Out Rustlin Bear HOF CH STDs STDc OTDd ASCA E2057 1977-06-30 |
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Meri-Mor's Chasebrook Reprieves AKC DL45400703 1992-03-02 ??? |
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Propwash's Remarque HOF CH ASCA E-40135 AKC DL 1989-04-17 blue merle (w/c) |
Propwash's Phantom of the Sky Ch M- 1987-11-27 |
Propwash's Positively HOF CH ASCA E20529 1984-10-30 |