***no selection*** ??? A Fiery Dream A Kings Castle A Place Apart Acura Adores Alibi Allee Almond Almostheaven Alpha Lake Alta Ambercoast Amberwood Aqua Dulce Araqua Aristocrat Ashwood at Aladdin At Timeless Aussie Dream Aussieluv Aussojo Ayer B Bar K B.B.H. B/S Bar Lazy-K Bavarian Forest Bayouland Bayshore Bearfoot Bearpath Beauwood Beauxdaque Benchmark Bet On Me Blessed Aussies Block Blue Isle Blue Mist Blue Okie Blue Rock Blue Sky Bluegrass Blueprint Bluestem Bobby Boehmer Bogy Bold Legend Boldheart Bonza! Bootez BOS Braggen Bratcher Briapatch Briarbrook Brigadoon Brightwood Brisbin Broadway Buffalo Bullock Bumblebee Burningstar C Bar C-Harm Calais Caligari Calvary Carlin Carnival Carolina Carousel Cartright Castle Cedar Valley Champagnes Chloe Christians Cleveland Coat Tail Cochet Colantuonos Coleman Collin Color County Colorados Columbus Cook Cope Copper Canyon Coppertone Coralis Cordova Costys Du Tomberg Cowtown Crofton Croswhite Crowe Crown Crown King Dampier Dar-Walk Davis De L'arc En Ciel Apres L'ondee De L'oree Des Charmois Des Costy Du Tomberg Destinys Devon Diamond J Diamond K Dizneyland DKMA Dolly Dorrocks Double R Dreamland Dreams Come True Drews Drinnon Driscoll Du Domaine De La Camosciara Du Domaine Des Elweis Duff Duffy Dun Rovin Ealand Ebony Eisenhauer Ellenglaze Eloradanan Elrod Ely Evans Ewing Excellent Choice Exquisita Fair Dinkum Faircloth Fairoaks Fairplay Farrington Faut Faxon Fieldmaster Finley Fire and Ashes Firepoint Fireside Firethome Firlottes Foreman Friend from sunflowersland Fromer Funny Farm Gefion Geis George Ghost Eye's Ginther Glacier Crest Glory Goforth Gold Nugget Golden Chance Goldstar Gomes Good Fellow Gorgeous Grateful-Mini-Ranch Guarding Gudy Haer Hall Hallmark Halltree Happy Day Happy Trail Harmonyhill Harper Harris Hart Hartgraves Hartnagle Heart Rock Heartfire Hearthside Heatherhill Heaths Heichel Hein HHC Higgins High Valley Highrail Hisaw Holbrook Holland Hollyoak Hoskin Hosmer Howard Howes Little Hoyt Hubbard Huffman Hurt Husstler I M I'm Boot Iacovettas Idlewild Integriti Inverness Ironhorse J Bar J'aime Jeffrey Jemelina Jensen Jess JND Jo-Z Jones Jubilee Kaleidoscope Kansaquest Keecam Keel Keepsake Kelly Kent Kerr Kevin Kiji Kinnamon Kinnausie Kinring Kliewer Kline Knolli Koala-T Kovac Krossfire L-7 Lakespring Lamar Laneacre Larkspur Las Rocosa Lashbrook Lasley Laverton Lazy D Lazy S Lazy S Steven Leavitt Leb Raah Legacy Legend Liane Wilson Lighter Lil Creek Linderland Little Gibsy Longshadow Los Pinos Los Pinos Los Suenos Lyric Magnolia Manape Manchado Mansker Maple Lane Mar-A-Lago Martin Master Maye McCaslin McCorkle McCue McKay McMatt McNeil Meadow Oak Meri-Mor Meyerhofers MHK Mill Creek Miller Milne Mini Dreams Mistretta Misty Morn Mockingbird Monreal Moon Moon Rise Moonbaby Moonshine Blue Mooreas Mores Morning Sun Murphy Mystic Shiloh Natahni Nelson Nettesheim Neuroth Nightengale North Fork Northbay Nothern Light Notquitea O'Neil Oak Branch Oaktrail of Aberdare of Adelaide of Ausland of Blue Mist of Bonnie-Blu of Cascade Creek of Cavalcade of Comstock of Coppertone of Emerald Isle of Fireslide of Flintridge of Gefion of Gerberhof of Happy Days of Hazelwood of Heatherhill of Hodgelodge of Ironhorse of Ironwood of L7 of Las Rocosa of Meshlacon of Mockingbird Hill of Mt. Blue of Old West of Primrose of Riveroaks of Rocking Horse of Scroumpious of Somerset of Southwynd of Starcross of Sundial of Sunnybrook of Tres Rios of Triple P of Vitraya of Windermere of Wingmont of Woodlynnd Outlaw Overland P Bar J P William Pages Painted Oak Paradox Park Parkview Patch-Work Patchwork Peachcreek Peggy Sue Wilson Pepper Pepper Tree Percival Petersen Peterson Petramale Ploen Pocket Poppy Hill Porter Prelle Pretty Prizm Propwash Proudfoot Provost Pruitt Pryme Tomberg Quaglino Quigley Racicot Radiant Rafter Bottle Ramblin Raritie Red Bank Red Bank Red Oak Rex-Basilea Richtman Rimfire Rinaldi Risingstar Riverbend Riveroak Rnj Robinson Rock Creek Rockin Ez Rocking I RockinR Roger Rosebud Of Crana Roseglens Rosewoods Rossy Roundart Ruff House Sandyhill Sandyland Scaltritti Scattercreek Schaffert Schmidtke Schnaufer Schueller Schuldawn Schwartz Seaman Shackelford Shadowmere Shadowrock Shadua Shady Acre Shadylane Shanahans Sheep's Kin Showtime Shusko Sidekicks Siebolt Siena Sierra Silver City Silver Dollar Silver Dream Silvertone Simpson Single Pine Sischo Sisler Sixty Two Bar Slash V Smedra Smith Smokey Valley Sniff Snowbelt Somercrest Somercrest Sorensen Southern Cross Southern Roses Spear Spicer Srn Eagle Star Starswept Starvalley Stein Stephensons Sterling Stillwater Stone Ridge Stonehenge Stormridge Stormy Rascal Strobl Strother Sugarbush Summertime Sunchaser Sundown Sunnyrain Sunshine Switzer T-Jags T4 Taggart Tamariah Tantalizing Tartaglia Taycin Taylors Teacup Treasures Teagues Telle Tender Touch Terra-Blue Terzan Thompson Thornapple Three Oak Three Pine Ticolana Timarus Timberline Timberwood TonKa Tophand Topnotch Topper TP Farm Travis Treasure Treestarr Rmzyrk Tri Ivory Tri-Bars Tri-Me Tucson Twila Twilight Corner Twin Oaks Twin Palms Two Arrow Two by Two Tye-Dyed Valhalla Vanlandingham Vassar Vents De Iquest Verdugt Vial vom Breyer Tal vom Gerberhof von der Waschbach Wacouta Waggin Tail Walkabout Walkers Wanna'be Watermark Waymire Weem Welz West Oak Westwind Whispering Pine White Wilcox Wildhagen Wile Willi William Williamson Willobee Wilmoth Winchester Windermere Windhill Windhorst Windogo Windsong Windy Farm Winter Heaven Wirth Wood Woodchip Woodcock Woodstock Wooklynnd Woosley Wyndridge Zeller _ <-- Bitte vorhandenen Zwinger auswaehlen
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